Monday, May 25, 2015

Oracle Unified Directory

Oracle Unified Directory , an another powerful tool by Oracle on Directory layer just doesnot restricts its capability to storing the Identity infromation but provides various Intregation or collabration solution for Identity at the LDAP layer .

Hence OUD is not just the directory server , it is beyond it .

OUD can act as server and can perform the following roles as server :

1. Directory server
2. Proxy server , a middle man between the client and Directory server
3. Replicating server for ODSEE

Installing OUD as the Directory Server :

1.  Change the subdirectory to ORACLE_HOME

(UNIX, Linux)  $ cd OUD-base-location/ORACLE_HOME
(Windows)      C:\> cd OUD-base-location\ORACLE_HOME

2.  Ensure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to a supported JVM installation (at least Java 1.6).

The default directory instance is named as as_inst1 and it is located by default in the locationOUD-base-location/instance-dir.  , if you wish to change the directory location and name ,then you need to set the INSTANCE_NAME variable prior to launching the setup as below

3.  export INSTANCE_NAME=../../local/my-oud-instance
Run the oud-setup command to configure the directory server installation.
       (UNIX, Linux) $ oud-setup
       (Windows) C:\OUD-base-location\ORACLE_HOME> oud-setup.bat

4. OUD Information :

  • The default port for non SSL access is 389 for root admin and 1389 for non root admin , Admin port is 4444
  • The default port for SSL access is 636,1636 respectively as above statement .
  •  To setup the ssl configurations  , StartTLS and the finish ssl configurations by creating self signed certificate unless its production where you use already existing certificate .
Creating Admin user / root user for OUD :

Keep the default root user CN=Directory Manager , enter password 2 times to confirm and save .

5. Topology : Select standlone server / Replication server .

6. How to load data into your directory:

You need to choose an option whether to create a base node / leave the db empty/ load data from ldif / create a sample data
Choose the correspondng options accordingly during the installation .

7. Oracle Components Integration:

you can choose an option to Integrate the directory and prepare it for Oracle products integrations like Enterprise User Security / Database connection Identifier ( Net services ) /  no Integration option .

When you do EUS integration the following entries are created




When you enable the Oracle Net service following entries are created



8. Specifying the Server tuning options 

6. Start the server when configurations are completed successfully 

instance-dir/oud/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1389 \
  -D "cn=directory manager" -w my-password -b "dc=example,dc=com" \